A photographic collection of vanity license plates, from the clever and witty to the inane and idiotic, to the family-friendly, sports-enthused, and patriotic. Every day, a new plate.
Curly Locks! curly locks! wilt thou be mine? Thou shall't not wash dishes, nor yet feed the swine, But sit on a cushion and sew a fine seam, And feed upon strawberries, sugar, and cream!
Yes, California would be nice. In fact, any place where major roadways aren't flooded to the point of completely covering the cars on them would be nice right about now!
Read Meg's new piece for Refinery29!
It's just a slideshow of me being a lonely, snarky asshole, but I still
call that journalism when I go home for the holidays.
A (Misanthropic) Look At The ...
Winter Blows
I drove past a church yesterday with this sign outside: It’s so cold, even
the people doing God’s work are pretty much like, “Yeah, fuck it.”
I'm a huge Washington Capitals fan, I love reading and writing to the point that I recently completed my (useless) Master's in English, and I am the proud owner of the most handsome dog of all time (that's not him in my profile picture, though, because his identity must be protected)