A photographic collection of vanity license plates, from the clever and witty to the inane and idiotic, to the family-friendly, sports-enthused, and patriotic. Every day, a new plate.
All week it was 70 degrees. I was walking my dog in a tank top (me in the tank top, not the dog, although I'm going to work on making that happen). Today, it was windy as hell and cold. In other words, it's time to officially say
Apparently in Celtic mythology, Aeval was a fairy queen who held a midnight court to determine whether or not husbands were doing a satisfactory job of keeping their wives happy in the bedroom.
I don't really know much about Joan Baez except that she was and still is pretty much the ultimate liberal. And she had a thing with Bob Dylan. So she's cool in my book.
Jamie Fox is probably more famous as an actor than as a musician, but he did give us words of wisdom that may come in handy after you high-tail it to a bar tonight at 5pm:
The only thing I really know about the band Motley Crue is that Tommy Lee is in it. And depending on your personal preferences, that's either a deal maker or a deal breaker.
Last night, the 2010-2011 hockey season officially began. And fuck does that make me happy. I missed hockey so much! Tonight is the Caps season opener in Atlanta. If we can stay out of this:
It's October. Crazy, right? While summer is officially a thing of the past, I do love October. The leaves change, there are a gazillion haunted houses to check out, costume parties, and studios start to release their Oscar-hopeful pictures. Hockey season starts.
Read Meg's new piece for Refinery29!
It's just a slideshow of me being a lonely, snarky asshole, but I still
call that journalism when I go home for the holidays.
A (Misanthropic) Look At The ...
Winter Blows
I drove past a church yesterday with this sign outside: It’s so cold, even
the people doing God’s work are pretty much like, “Yeah, fuck it.”
I'm a huge Washington Capitals fan, I love reading and writing to the point that I recently completed my (useless) Master's in English, and I am the proud owner of the most handsome dog of all time (that's not him in my profile picture, though, because his identity must be protected)